高木英行 (TAKAGI, Hideyuki) Kyushu University 九州大学大学院艺术工学研究院
时间: 2017-03-28 15:00 - 17:00
地点: 王克桢楼1115
Firstly, we emphasize how human factor is important for computational intelligence and show the concept of humanized computational intelligence. Next, we show Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC) is one of realization approach of the humanized computational intelligence. Finally, we outline what is IEC.
Secondly, we categorize IEC applications areas into three: artistic applications, engineering applications, and others and introduces many IEC applications including creating artistic graphics, industrial design, and music, designing noise reduction filters and image enhancement filters, hearing-aid fitting and cochlear implant fitting, media database retrieval, data mining, robotics, intrusion detection system, geology, and others. Objective of this introduction is to let audience understand IEC’s applicability in wide variety of areas and let them learn how to apply IEC in their areas.
Thirdly, we introduce some research for reducing the fatigue of IEC users who have to cooperate with tireless computer for long time. Some of them are improving IEC user interface, accelerating IEC search, introducing human evaluation models and combining the model evaluation and human evaluation, introducing several types of EC algorithms into IEC, and others.
Finally, we introduce unique research to use IEC as a tool for human science. IEC is a technique to optimize a target system based on human evaluation. We may obtain information of the IEC user by analyzing the target system optimized by the human as the same as reverse-engineering. Here we introduce such new approaches including research on measuring human mind, looking for unknown audio-psychophysiological knowledge, and extended IEC which optimizes a target system based on human physiological feedback.
IEC tutorial paper and slides are downloadable from http://www.design.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~takagi/ .